
Mac Thornberry
Alison Lynn or Margaret Matthews 202-225-3706

Thornberry Statement on Congress' Adjournment

Says Congress left American people hanging by voting to go home

Washington, Sep 30 -

U.S. Congressman Mac Thornberry released the following statement after Congress voted last night  to adjourn until after the November elections:

"This Congress voted last night to go home and campaign, leaving the American people hanging.  It is the height of irresponsibility.

"It is a Congress that did not even try to pass a budget for the first time in more than 35 years; it is a Congress that did not pass a single appropriations bill; and it is a Congress that has done nothing to stop a tax increase on every American who pays income taxes on January 1.

"Thirty-nine Democrats joined every Republican in voting against adjournment, which passed by a single vote, 210 to 209.

"This Congress has only added to the uncertainty and the instability in our economy.  Our top priority should be jobs and the economy, and Congress should stay in session as long as it takes to prevent a tax increase on any American, including those small businesses that create most of the jobs."
