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Nov 14, 2001

Notice of Action: H.R. 2269 – Retirement Security Advice Act of 2001

Wednesday, November 14, 2001

1:30 P.M.


H.R. 2269 Education & the Workforce
Ways & Means
Retirement Security Advice Act of 2001

The Committee granted, by voice vote, a modified closed rule providing one hundred minutes of debate in the House with sixty minutes equally divided and controlled by the chairman and ranking minority member of the Committee on Education and the Workforce and forty minutes equally divided and controlled by the Chairman and ranking minority member of the Committee on Ways and Means. The rule provides that, in lieu of the amendments recommended by the Committees on Education and the Workforce and Ways and Means, the amendment in the nature of a substitute printed in part A of the Rules Committee report accompanying the resolution shall be considered as adopted. The rule waives all points of order against consideration of the bill as amended. The rule provides for consideration of only the amendment in the nature of a substitute printed in part B of the Rules Committee report accompanying the resolution, if offered by Representative George Miller of California, or his designee, which shall be considered as read and shall be separately debatable for one hour equally divided and controlled by the proponent and an opponent. The rule waives all points of order against the amendment printed in part B of the report. Finally, the rule provides one motion to recommit with or without instructions.