Congressman Poe named “Champion of National Security”
100% Score for Actions Vital to American Security

Washington, Oct 26 -

Congressman Ted Poe (TX-02) was named a “Champion of National Security” by the Center for Security Policy (CSP) last week. Receiving a score of 100-percent, he was among the 158 United States Representatives and 32 Senators honored with this celebrated title. 

“The first duty of the federal government is to protect the people of this country,” said Poe.  “From the borders to the big cities, America's national security should always be our number one priority.  I am honored to receive this award and I will remain committed to supporting legislation that ensures the safety and security of our country and the American people.”

The Members of the 111th Congress were evaluated on their performance in matters relating to security interests of the United States. House and Senate members voting records in relation to national security legislation were also observed.

“The Center commends those in the Senate and House who have, in the face of these threats, distinguished themselves as ‘Champions of National Security,’ and hopes that the numbers of such legislators will grow substantially in the 112th Congress and beyond,” said Frank Gaffney, President of The Center for Security Policy.

Founded in 1988, The Center for Security Policy is a non-profit, non-partisan national security organization that specializes in identifying policies, actions, and resource needs that are vital to American security. To learn more about CSP, please visit:

To view the National Security Scorecard, click here

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