Congressman Poe receives the “Tax Fighter Award”
95% Score on Commitment to Lower Taxes

Washington, Oct 27 -

Congressman Ted Poe (TX-02) was honored with the “Tax Fighter Award” by The National Tax Limitation Committee (NTLC) for his fiscally conservative voting record in the 111th Congress. He received score of 95-percent.

“I came to Congress with a pledge that I will not vote for a bill that raises taxes and I have remained true to that promise,” said Poe.  “Less spending, not more taxes, is the answer.  American taxpayers pay enough in taxes. The problem is the federal government doesn’t know when to stop spending.”

NTLC has scored Congress on taxpayer issues for 25 years. Through a standard selection process, Members were chosen on their commitment and voting record to eliminate the death tax, to eliminate the 1993 tax increase on Social Security earnings, to kill the Alternative Minimum Tax, to provide incentives for private savings, investment and job creation and to control the growth of federal spending.

“The National Tax Limitation Committee has awarded Congressman Ted Poe the ‘Tax Fighter Award’ for the 111th Congress for his superior voting record, leadership, and outstanding public service on behalf of America’s Taxpayers,” said NTLC President Lewis K. Uhler.

NTLC was organized in 1975 to support Taxpayer education. Its mission has been: to engage in educational and research activities which can facilitate structural change, reforms and discipline in government at all levels to assure constitutionally limited government as intended by the Founders of our Nation.

To view the scorecard, click here

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