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Jun 05, 2008

Amendment Process for H.R. 6063 - National Aeronautics and Space Administration Authorization Act of 2008

June 5, 2008


Dear Colleague:


The Committee on Rules is expected to meet the week of June 9, 2008, to report a rule which may structure the amendment process for floor consideration of H.R. 6063, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Authorization Act of 2008.


Any Member wishing to offer an amendment to H.R. 6063 must do the following by 10:00 AM on Tuesday, June 10, 2008 in order for the amendment to be considered by the Rules Committee:

  • Submit to the Rules Committee in room H-312 of the Capitol:
    • 30 copies of the amendment
    • One copy of a brief (1-2 sentences) explanation of the amendment
    • A completed Log-in form (attached)
  • Submit an electronic copy of the amendment via the Committee’s web page (http://www.rules.house.gov/amendment_form.asp). Electronic submission of an amendment is required in addition to physically filing the amendment with the Committee.
  • The amendment must be drafted to the bill as ordered reported by the Science and Technology Committee. The bill is available on the Rules Committee website (www.rules.house.gov). 


            Members are strongly advised to adhere to the amendment deadline to ensure the amendments receive consideration. Amendments should be drafted by Legislative Counsel and also should be reviewed by the Office of the Parliamentarian to be sure that the amendments comply with the rules of the House.  Members are also strongly encouraged to submit their amendments by fax (6-1366) or by email (petef@cbo.gov) to Pete Fontaine at the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) for analysis regarding possible violations of Clause 10 of Rule XXI (PAYGO).


If you have any questions, please contact Tony Abate at extension 5-9091.




            Louise M. Slaughter
