
Requesting Citations and Letters

When requesting a citation or letter, please follow the guidelines listed below.  The request should arrive in the Baltimore District Office at least 2 weeks before the event to allow for processing. 

Please mail or fax the request to the Baltimore City District Office to Congressman Elijah Cummings at 1010 Park Avenue, Suite 105, Baltimore, MD  21201 or send it by fax to the Baltimore City Office to 410-685-9399 or 410-685-9288.  Please type or print.

The individual recipient of a citation for meritorious accomplishments must be a resident of the 7th District. The recipient’s address and telephone number must be included in the request. If it is an organization, it must serve the 7th District.

If it is a CONGRATULATORY LETTER, OR CITATION please include sufficient background information about the person or event and include the following:

1.The name, title (if applicable),  address and telephone number of the recipient.

2.The reason for the celebration or event - birthday, retirement, anniversary, special service, accomplishment, or honor.
3.The date of presentation or the date of the event.

4.The number of years involved - birthday (how old), retirement (how many years), anniversary (how many years).

5.If the person has engaged in any community service – church, organization, fraternity or sorority, individual service, neighborhood association, school.

6.The name, address and phone number of the contact person who is requesting the document.

7.If the document will be picked up, the name and phone number of the person to call when it is ready.

8.If the document is to be mailed, the name, address and zip code of the person to whom it should be sent.

If it is a CONDOLENCE LETTER, please include the item numbers 1( the full name of the deceased), 5, 6,  7 and 8 from the above list.

If it is a SUPPORT/GRANT LETTER, please provide a draft that includes the item numbers 1, 2 (reason for the request of support), 6, 7, and  8  from the above list along with sufficient information about the organization and the grant (an executive summary). 

Thank you for your assistance!


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