Jim's Blog

  • April 21, 2009

    DeMint on Tea Parties and the Need for Freedom to Increase, not Government

    Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC) speaks on the U.S. Senate floor about the tea party movement.
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  • April 2, 2009

    DeMint Proposes Amendment to Protect Patients' Rights

    Senator DeMint is offering an amendment to the budget resolution that would prevent any legislation from being passed with less than 60 votes that would eliminate the ability of Americans to have freedom in their health care choices. If passed, the amendment would reinforce President Obama's campaign promise to protect the ability of Americans to keep their health care plan and choice of doctor, regardless of changes made to the health care system.

    Throughout his campaign and in the months since taking office, President Obama has consistently reassured the American public, “If you’ve got health care already, and probably the majority of you do, then you can keep your plan.” He has also promised Americans that they will be able to “keep” their choice of doctor - noting that, “No government bureaucrat will second-guess decisions about your care.” Senator DeMint’s amendment simply reinforces the President’s campaign promise by mandating a 60 vote threshold for any bill that would take away an American’s ability to keep their health plan and choice of doctor.

    Most Americans under the age of 65 have private health insurance, and research has shown that they are satisfied with their current insurance plans and worry about the government’s increasing grip on their health care choices. The ability to keep your health plan and choice of doctor is a fundamental principle of health care reform that is shared by Republicans, Democrats and Independents. Senator DeMint's amendment will provide a common sense protection for the American people against unnecessary government intrusion into the health care marketplace.
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  • June 12, 2008

    Democrats' Medicare Strategy Puts Millions of Seniors at Risk

    Currently, the Senate is considering legislation that would prevent physicians who treat Medicare patients from facing a 10-percent cut in their reimbursement on June 30. America’s seniors, who depend on Medicare, cannot afford for their doctors to take such a significant cut that will undoubtedly lead to decreased access to health care.

    Both Republicans and Democrats are committed to saving seniors from this catastrophe, and both sides have introduced legislation that increases physician reimbursement under Medicare. But once again, Democrats see this as opportunity to put politics ahead of the best interest of the country. Democrats have used this debate as a vehicle to highlight their opposition to Medicare Advantage (MA) plans. In order to pay for their bill, the Democrats have slashed payments to MA plans, and in response, President Bush has indicated that he will veto the legislation. Not only does the Democrat strategy put doctors at risk, it puts the benefits of more than 10 million seniors and disabled Americans at risk.

    Furthermore, the Democrat legislation includes provisions that will directly increase the financial strain on taxpayers’ wallets by expanding benefits, reducing cost sharing and expanding eligibility for certain benefits and services. And in some cases, it seeks to hide the true costs of these changes by delaying their full effect to outside of the budget window or assuming unrealistic reductions to physician payments. This is completely irresponsible, especially at a time when the Medicare Trust Fund will be completely depleted in 10 years...
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