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Letter of the Month


New York, NY 10033
Subject: President's Budget

Dear Congressman Rangel,

I am writing to ask you to please support President Obama's budget, but first I would like to thank you for your consistent and effective leadership in the House of Representatives on behalf our District, the State of New York, the United States and, not least of all, the Democratic Party.

I'm sure you share the belief that the President's budget will engender the changes we elected him to make and lead us in the new direction we elected him to take us. The pillars of health care, educational and energy reform are absolutely necessary for the future of our great country. I wholly agree with him that making investments in these areas is necessary to both save, and advance our economy.  This is not the time for timid, incremental steps, this is the time for bold, innovative action. Please help President Obama achieve these goals and put us on the right road to a brighter future.
Thank you for your time and consideration.


Dear Linda,

Thank you for contacting my office in support of President Obama's budget proposal. The President's budget is a responsible, straightforward roadmap to put our nation back on track to prosperity − and I am proud to have supported it and watched it pass 233-196 in the House. This Administration is ushering in a new era of strengthening economic security for America’s middle-class and making overdue investments in health care, education, and infrastructure.

For too long, hardworking families have watched their wages, savings, and hopes dwindle – and at the same time, they have watched the wealthiest among us grow wealthier.  The budget makes good on our promise to provide permanent tax relief for 95 percent of working families to help them restore the economic peace-of-mind that has been lost in recent years. We are also paving the way for comprehensive health reform to expand coverage and address skyrocketing health costs.

I support President Obama and will work to make this vision a reality, so that we can pick our nation up out of this recession and build a brighter future for all Americans.

Congressman Charles B. Rangel

Our Letter of the Month series publishes a constituent letter or e-mail that encapsulates the spirit of the bulk of the correspondences sent by constituents in the month, then publishes the Congressman's response.

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Dear Congressman Rangel,

Your response to "Letter of the Month" of April 15, 2009 refers to the inequality created by "hardworking family....watching the wealthiest...grow wealther". And consequently, you have backed the budget to restore their economic peace of mind.

A great number of other "hard working families" have seen their pensions and retirement funds stolen by the Madoff Ponzi scheme and also need restoration of their economic peace of mind. Please make full consideration for those who have been impacted by this criminal.

Growing wealthy in order to retire should not be considered repugnant nor criminal.
The true crime is the negligence and absence of intervention by the SEC coupled with the false sense of security by SIPIC.

Legislative tax relief is critical and we implore your committee to consider HR 1159 with a 70% tax loss provision for IRA accounts and qualifed retirement funds.

In considering my request, please remember the only way I accumulated IRA funds was with hard work. My savings and hopes were swindled and I respectfully ask for your help in this matter.

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