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The Anatomy of a Vision, Part I


The economic downtown facing this great nation touches not just our wallets, but every facet of American life. It's about the volatile markets, and the credit freeze, and rising joblessness. But it's also about the lack of affordable health care; an education system in need; rampant foreclosures; and our reticence to invest in green and alternative energy.

We thankfully have a Congress and a President with the foresight to realize the American home is under siege at every corner − from the kitchen table, to the gas tank, to the classroom − and to remain silent on any one challenge is a disservice to the overarching goal of getting this country back on track.

The following video features me at a legislative breakfast, painting a comprehensive picture of the work ahead of us, and how every piece of the puzzle fits together for a stronger, healthier America. We've segmented my talk into six disparate clips, and we'll unveil and highlight each clip − dealing each with a different piece of the overall puzzle − each day.

Today's segment tackles our need to confront the economic crisis head-on. Catch the joke at the start of the video − it got a great laugh.

This Rangel TV series looks at the Congressman's recent remarks laying out a vision for this country and segments it to highlight how a wide range of issues are interrelated.

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