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Our Initiatives


Recycle Image

The House takes recycling seriously. A refined and expanded in-office recycling program is the flagship of a House-wide effort.

  • House-Wide Recycling

    We refined and expanded a recycling program that now reaches all aspects of House operations and includes plastic, aluminum, glass, paper and electronics. Annually, the House recycles more than 1,800 tons of paper and almost 50 tons of commingled bottles and cans.

  • Fountain Water Reuse

    We are installing a system to convert condensate from an air handling unit in the Rayburn House Office Building to water for the Center Court fountain.

  • House Furnishing Shops

    House offices are furnished with low-VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) carpet and paints, in order to improve air quality. All carpet is made from recycled fibers, and is recycled at the end of its life. House furniture is reused over many decades. The House's furniture shop re-covers chairs with eco-friendly leather, and uses water-based lacquers and alcohol-based dyes for furniture refinishing. The furnishings shop also recycles a range of materials from wood scraps to drapes.