

Rep. Markey meets with Natick residents visiting Washington for D.C. Constituent Day, April 20, 2010.


The Official Natick Home Page
Natick Bulletin & Tab
Commonwealth Communities: Natick

Form of Government: Selectmen, Town Administrator, Representative Town Meeting

2000 Population: 32,170

Fun Facts!

1. Natick was named for the Natick Indian tribe, and the name is translated as “place of hills”.

2. Henry Wilson, Vice President of the United States under Ulysses S. Grant from 1872-1875, was a shoemaker from Natick, where his “little red shoe hut” still stands today..

3. Natick’s famous residents include Harriet Beecher Stowe, author of Uncle Tom’s Cabin and Old Town Folks, and Horatio Alger, Jr., a minister and author of children's books with a "rags to riches" theme.

4. Natick was infested with “giant, hissing” Madagascar cockroaches in 1974.