

Rep. Markey meets with Melrose residents visiting Washington for D.C. Constituent Day, April 20, 2010.

The Official Melrose Home Page

Melrose Free Press
Commonwealth Communities: Melrose

Form of Government: Mayor, Board of Aldermen

2000 Population: 27,134 (2000 Census)

Fun Facts!

1. Opera singer and movie star Geraldine Farrar was born in Melrose in 1883. Farrar studied in New York and Europe, and made her debut in Berlin in 1901. She went on to sing at the Metropolitan opera in New York from 1906-1922. She also made 14 movies between 1915-1920.

2. Melrose has a Symphony Orchestra.

3. Clarence DeMar was a famous Marathon runner who continued competing in races until he was in his late 60’s. He was born in Ohio in 1888 but lived in Melrose from 1909-1929 and ran most of his races as a representative of the American Legion, Post 90, Melrose.

4. Samuel Sewall proposed the first bill for women’s rights in 1852 and helped form the first anti-slavery society. Sewall was born in Boston in 1799 and moved to Melrose in 1847.