Delegate Holmes Norton: DC Voting Rights Act

NancyPelosi 1,962 videos Alert iconSubscribed
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NancyPelosi | April 19, 2007 | likes, 3 dislikes

The House considers H.R. 1905, the DC Voting Rights Act, securing voting righ...

NancyPelosi | April 19, 2007 | likes, 3 dislikes

The House considers H.R. 1905, the DC Voting Rights Act, securing voting rights in the House for the District of Columbia. Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton of DC speaks on the floor during debate on the rule.

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  • Congresswoman! You are my hero. Your eloquence and intellect inspire me.

  • Good for her. Why the hell should she have to yield during her time? Good arguments too.

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  • @americankgb Eleanor Holmes Norton is an elitist sow who should not be given any power as long as she advocates stripping citizens of their constitutional protections.

  • from the democrat queer central media queens aka the washington post"On Wednesday afternoon, BigGovernment -- a Web site run by controversial conservative muckraker Andrew Breitbart -- posted an audio copy and transcript of a phone call Norton made to an unknown lobbyist, asking for a campaign contribution. In the call, the authenticity of which has not been challenged, " Is the lesbian bitchess going to sue or to prison, looks like you democrat acorn assholes are again this guys bitch.


  • the district of columbia pays more than 20 billion dollars a year in taxes, thats more than five states. not only should they have an at large seat in the house of representatives, but they should also have two seats in the senate!

  • I be you wouldn't say this to her face

  • This is not as clear-cut as you suggest. The Constitution gives Congress broad powers over its own membership. Article I, Section 5 begins: "Each House shall be the Judge of the Elections, Returns and Qualifications of its own Members...". In other words, as it pertains to Congress' membership, Congress is the sole judge. If Congress passes a law adding a representative for the District, there is a solid legal foundation for its action.

  • No! If you want a congressional vote, move into a state. The word cunt is reserved for women like this and this cunt is so thirsty for power that she watering at the mouth. With all of the cancer and sickness in the world why can we not be rid of Norton to one of them?

  • Was that addressed at me? What is your point? I never said federal taxes were not at the national level.

    Your 'taxation without representation' is a "local" problem because it only affects your area, do you understand?

    And again all of this would be solved if D.C. would simply rejoin Maryland. D.C. never should have been 'separated' in the first place.

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