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Sen. Hutchison Congratulates Casscells on Confirmation as Assistant Secretary of Defense

WASHINGTON -- Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX), Chairman of the Republican Policy Committee, today congratulated Houston resident Dr. Samuel W. “Trip” Casscells on his confirmation as Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs. Dr. Casscells was confirmed today in the Senate by unanimous consent.

“With his medical background, his record of leadership and accomplishment, and his service as a veteran of Iraq, I believe Dr. Casscells is the right person at the right time for the position of Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs,” said Sen. Hutchison.

“His record is filled with amazing academic and personal accomplishments. But when you look at Dr. Casscells’ life as a whole, there is one overriding theme – service to others. He has spent his life tackling challenges such as bioterrorism, protecting the ports in Houston against terrorism, using technology to improve emergency medical care for soldiers, protecting America from avian flu and studying the connections between flu and cardiovascular disease.

“After surviving prostate cancer at age 53, he convinced the Army to grant him the multiple waivers to be allowed to serve. Once they agreed and commissioned him in the Army, Dr. Casscells volunteered for service in Iraq. On behalf of my fellow Texans, I want to personally thank him and his family for their service and sacrifice and congratulate them on his confirmation.”

Dr. Casscells is one of America’s leading cardiologists. His list of honors includes graduating magna cum laude from Harvard Medical School, serving for six years at the National Institutes of Health and as a distinguished professor at the University of Texas Health Science Center and associate director for cardiology research at the world renowned Texas Heart Institute. Dr. Casscells was also the first civilian recipient of the Army’s Maxwell Thurman Award for his work in using new technologies to improve military emergency medicine.


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