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Sen. Hutchison Announces Nearly $100,000 in Funding for Health Education Center in San Antonio
Funds Will Help Reduce Environmental Risks During Pregnancy

WASHINGTON -- U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX), Texas’ senior senator, today announced $98,115 in Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) grant funding to the South Central Area Health Education Center in San Antonio.

“Providing education for expectant mothers is an important way to protect against prenatal risks associated with the environment,” Sen. Hutchison said. “These funds will help ensure that our state’s children grow up to be healthy and strong.”

According to the EPA, funding will help provide an outreach program to identify and reduce environmental exposure risks for pregnant women, including pesticides, secondhand smoke, hazardous household chemicals, and exposure to lead and mercury. The funds will go toward training 70 health care providers and more than 2,700 prenatal patients on understanding how the environment affects pregnancies.


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