Committee and Caucus Work

Cancer Caucus

  • A member of the bi-partisan House Cancer Caucus and strong advocate for cancer research, Brian believes that finding a cure to cancer should be America’s goal. 

Great Lakes Task Force

  • Brian is a member of the House Great Lakes Task Forces are a bipartisan working group within the Northeast-Midwest Congressional and Senate Coalitions that cooperate to enhance the economic and environmental health of the Great Lakes.

House Democratic Caucus

  • Learn about the House Democratic Caucus.

Northeast-Midwest Congressional Coalition

  • Brian is a proud member of this coalition, which is composed of Members of Congress from the Northeast and Midwest regions of the country. 

Older Cities Task Force

  • In order to better examine the many issues that affect these older cities and advocate on their behalf, Brian has taken the lead as the Democratic Chair of the newly formed, bi-partisan Congressional Revitalizing Older Cities Task Force.

Ways and Means Committee

  • As a new member of the committee in the 111th Congress, Brian aims to use tax incentives to spur job creation and investment in Western New York, cut taxes for the middle class, create jobs in the local alternative energy industry, and improve our healthcare system.