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Congressional Black Caucus
2444 Rayburn Building
Washington, DC 20515

Telephone: 202-226-9776
Fax: 202-225-9817


Patrice Willoughby
Executive Director

Irene Schwoffermann
Coalition Director

J. Jioni Palmer
Communications Director

Chairwoman Lee Attends White House Signing Ceremony for Health Care Reform

March 23, 2010

(Washington, D.C.)- Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA), Chairwoman of the Congressional Black Caucus, released the following statement today after President Barack Obama signed historic health care reform legislation:

"I felt a sense of pride and joy this morning as President Obama signed into law an historic health care reform bill after a long and arduous journey.

"For too long, the health and wellness of too many Americans suffered because they were uninsured and under-insured and because of massive gaps in our nation’s health care system.

"It took the clarity of purpose, the moral authority, the determination and the commitment of our 44th President Barack Obama and the brilliant and focused leadership of Speaker Nancy Pelosi to fight against the insurance industry to say that we will no longer be held hostage by corporate greed because we want all people to have access to health care.

"As I watched the president sign this monumental legislation I was thinking of all those people who deserve health care but simply can’t afford it. I was thinking of those people who never had preventive care and died prematurely. I was thinking about our children and grandchildren, who will live fuller and healthier lives.

"This bill will help the many millions of hard working people who may have lost their jobs, or simply fallen on hard times, or have never even had the opportunity to make their way in society.

"I am so proud of our president and my colleagues in Congress for delivering a strong victory for the American people. This bill will go a long way toward making us a healthier and stronger nation."