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Congressional Black Caucus
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Patrice Willoughby
Executive Director

Irene Schwoffermann
Coalition Director

J. Jioni Palmer
Communications Director

The Congressional Black Caucus Hails Nelson Mandela In Honor Of His 90th Birthday Members Also Laud President Mandela’s And The African National Congress’ (ANC) Removal From U.s. Terrorist Watch List

July 17, 2008

Washington, D.C.-

Today, Congresswoman Carolyn C. Kilpatrick (D-MI) Chairwoman of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC), joined by CBC International Affairs Chairman Donald Payne (NJ), CBC Vice-Chairwoman Barbara Lee (CA), Representative William Jefferson (LA), Congresswoman Diane Watson (CA), Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (TX), Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Howard Berman and South African Ambassador Welile Nlhapo, celebrated the life and legacy of former South African President Nelson Mandela.

“The world has seen few human beings that parallel President Nelson Mandela,” said Chairwoman Kilpatrick. “He sacrificed 24 years of his life in captivity in protest to apartheid and racial injustice. His selfless pursuit of freedom and justice for all of his global brothers and sisters is matchless.”

“Nelson Mandela is revered for countless acts,” remarked Chairman Berman. “Before it was popular he fought to combat HIV/AIDS. He has dedicated his life to ensure that our liberties are protected and our great potential is realized. We celebrate his life and his example.”

Congressman Payne added, “Tomorrow the whole world will come together as we look back at the life of a man who has been much more than a great leader - he has become a saintly icon for the world. Nelson Mandela paved the way for many generations of African leadership through his sacrificial leadership that was always underpinned by absolute integrity and dignity.”

“I am honored to join my colleagues in celebrating the life of a great statesman,” said Congresswoman Lee. We, in the House, remained on the floor to ensure that H.R. 5690 was passed to remove the unjustified naming of President Mandela and the African National Congress (ANC) to the United States terrorist watch list. We are pleased to have delivered this benefiting victory in advance of President Mandela’s birthday.”

“The United States removed former South African president Nelson Mandela and his African National Congress from a three-decade old immigration watch list for possible terrorists,” said Congresswoman Jackson Lee. “The label of ‘terrorist’ will no longer be affixed to associates of the ANC – among them one of the world’s great heroes, Nelson Mandela. Our country stands with those who struggled to bring the reprehensible system of apartheid to an end.”

“This is a stellar moment. We are privileged to honor one of the greatest leaders of our generation,” said Congresswoman Watson. “Nelson Mandela has fought to promote human dignity across the globe and we have fought to correct an erroneous listing of his organization to the terrorist list.”

Congressman Jefferson graciously presented South African Ambassador Nlhapo with an official copy of the House of Representatives floor presentations on H Res 1090 honoring President Mandela’s 90th Birthday. “It is in deed an honor to pay homage to a remarkable world leader,” said Congressman Jefferson. “Our world is a better place due to President Mandela.”

“On behalf of President Nelson Mandela, I thank Members of the Congressional Black Caucus for this honor,” stated Ambassador Nlhapo. “President Mandela has tirelessly soldiered on the battleground for social and political justice. At the age of 90 years young, President Mandela is still relentless in this fight and salutes the CBC for your leadership and commitment to building a stronger global community.