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Congressional Black Caucus
2444 Rayburn Building
Washington, DC 20515

Telephone: 202-226-9776
Fax: 202-225-9817


Patrice Willoughby
Executive Director

Irene Schwoffermann
Coalition Director

J. Jioni Palmer
Communications Director

Congressional Black Caucus Statement On The Passing Of Rep. Parren Mitchell

May 29, 2007

Washington, D.C.- Today, Congresswoman Carolyn C. Kilpatrick (D-MI), Chairwoman of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) released the following statement on the passing of Parren Mitchell.
“Representative Parren Mitchell was a crusader for economic justice and a champion of civil rights. As a founding member and former Chair of the Congressional Black Caucus, he was a galvanizing force for inclusion and fairness for all Americans; with special emphasis on African Americans. A scholar and an avid businessman, Rep. Mitchell strategically parlayed his entrepreneurial astuteness into a stellar career in public service.  Representing Maryland’s 7th Congressional District for eight terms, Rep. Mitchell was renowned and respected for his firm hand and open arms.
Our prayers are extended to the entire Mitchell family and all who knew and loved Congressman Parren Mitchell. Without the tireless service and dedication of Rep. Mitchell, Congressional Black Caucus Members of the 110th Congress, could not change course, confront crises, and continue the legacy.