Rep Wasserman Schultz statement on report by Gen. Petraeus


(Washington, DC) --  Rep. Wasserman Schultz made the following statement regarding General Petraeus's report to Congress on the status of U.S. military operations in Iraq:


“There is no question that the surge has failed to accomplish the political and national reconciliation that is needed if the Iraqi government is ever to be able to take over military control from U.S. forces,” said Rep. Wasserman Schultz. “While our military has succeeded in improving the security situation in some parts of Iraq, there has been no corresponding progress by the Iraqi government. It is long past time for Republicans in Congress to decide whether they will continue to support the President’s failed Iraq policy, or join Democrats and the vast majority of Americans demanding a new direction in Iraq. The reports of the GAO, the Independent Commission and General Petraeus make it clear that we must refocus America's effort and attention on fighting the real threats of terrorism around the world."

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