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Congressman Cohen Receives Humanitarian Award in Madrid
Friday, 05 December 2008
Washington, DC – Congressman Steve Cohen (TN-09) today received the D. Emilio Castelar Work Recognition Award in Madrid, Spain, from the Vida Foundation, a non-governmental organization that promotes environmental protection and human rights.  Congressman Cohen was one of only two Americans to receive the award, and he was recognized for his work on passing H. Res 194, a resolution calling upon the House of Representatives to formally apologize for the enslavement and segregation of African-Americans. 

Congressman Cohen served as a keynote speaker for the Vida Foundation’s international symposium on the abolition of slavery and the slave trade on Friday, December 5.  The speech was well-received and the audience included prominent members of the Spanish Government and some of the top attorneys in Madrid.

On Wednesday, Congressman Cohen also spoke at a forum entitled "Barack Obama, Israel and Minorities in the United States" at the Garrigues Foundation where he was introduced by Bernardino León, Secretary General of the Presidency of the Government.  The forum was sponsored by Casa Sefarad-Israel, INFOMEDIA and the Garrigues Foundation.  Additionally, Congressman Cohen met privately with Raphael Schütz, the Israeli Ambassador to Spain, Javier Rojo, President of the Spanish Senate and Carmelo Nvono-Ncám, President of the High Council of Black Communities in Spain.

“The despicable institution of slavery impacted countries around the world,” said Congressman Cohen.  “Therefore, it is appropriate that the dialogue between nations today includes efforts to heighten awareness and recognize past wrongs.  It is gratifying that my sponsorship in the U.S. House of Representatives of the resolution apologizing for the slavery and segregation of African-Americans in our country has inspired people abroad to work for racial reconciliation in their own nations.  I am deeply thankful to the Spanish people for their hospitality and I was glad to meet with Messrs. León, Schütz and Rojo to discuss H. Res. 194.  Although Spanish-American relations have cooled in the past few years under the Bush Administration, I am very encouraged to see the enthusiasm and optimism with which the Spanish people and their elected officials are greeting the election of Barack Obama.  There is no doubt in my mind that America’s image around the world has already undergone a dramatic makeover in the few weeks since his election.”

Named for the former President of the First Republic of Spain famous for promoting democracy and freeing the slaves in Puerto Rico, the D. Emilio Castelar award is given to individuals around the world who have “tirelessly worked in their field towards social and environmental welfare, securing the future of citizens through the promotion of human prosperity, peace, human rights, energy security and sustainable development,” according to the Vida Foundation.

The Vida Foundation’s goal is to work toward development, cooperation and international solidarity.  Founded in 1990 and now constituted in the Spanish International Cooperation Agency, the Foundation has done outstanding work in Europe, the Americas and the Caribbean to improve access to information, goods and services, and promote intergenerational, cultural dialogue and to improve the visibility and empowerment of ethnic minorities.

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Marilyn Dillihay, Press Secretary, 202-225-3265
Charlie Gerber, Communications Assistant, 202-225-3265[

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