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Tax Reform Entitlement Reform Trade Health Care

Welcome Friends,

Nearly 30 years ago, Ronald Reagan told us that it was "Morning in America". He envisioned a nation unburdened by an overbearing, big government. He believed that a citizenry free of the yoke of over-taxation, free of isolationist trade policies, and free of the financial burdens of deficits and overspending by government, would have the ability to regain their footing as the most prosperous nation in the world. But today Americans are staring down the barrel of a future absent these absolutely necessary freedoms.

The Majority party in Congress has clearly laid out their plans to raise taxes by a record breaking $683 billion, step away from implementation of the fair global trade policies that have opened up new and vital markets to American businesses, and to ignore a massive entitlement crisis that grows by $2 trillion with each year that Congress fails to act. Each of these issues, along with numerous other significant matters, falls under the jurisdiction of the Ways & Means Committee on which I serve. And because of this, the Ways and Means Committee will become the major battleground for our fiscal future.

We need commonsense, conservative solutions to the serious economic problems facing America today. Lower taxes allow hard working men and women to keep more of their own money. Additionally, lessening the tax burden on businesses grows our economy by fostering job creation.

Fair trade agreements will level the playing field for American business and their workers. Isolationist policies are rooted in backwards thinking which has yielded disastrous results in the past, most notably the Great Depression. Today foreign countries pay much lower tariffs to sell their goods in the U.S. while American businesses are forced to pay outrageously high tariffs for the same privilege. By creating trade agreements that balance these differences, we can ensure that the U.S. remains the world's leader in a global marketplace that grows more competitive by the day, create jobs and attract investment here in the U.S.

And we need substantive and serious action on entitlement reform. By not acting, we are passing on a nearly insurmountable debt to our children. Doing nothing is simply unacceptable and without significant reforms, future generations will have to pay 5 times the amount of taxes we do today just to sustain the government as it exists today. The time to reform Social Security and Medicare is now.

These are serious issues facing our country and we need to address them comprehensively. Americans have shown us that with economic freedom, our nation can rise to meet any challenge. President Ronald Reagan's optimism and faith in the American people resonates with me and I firmly believe that by following the principles I have outlined throughout this website, it will again be "Morning in America." These issues are the battleground for our fiscal future, and it's a fight we can and must win.

I hope you will find this page informative and educational. My goal is to provide additional insight to the complicated but critical fiscal issues facing America today. If you have any questions or comments, I can be reached by email. Thanks for stopping by!

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