Democrats’ Spending an Albatross Around Neck of American Economy (December 2009) PDF Print

Knowing your interest in budget issues, I wanted to share a speech I gave on the House Floor today in strong opposition to House Democrats’ decision to increase the national debt limit and spend the money on a second stimulus bill. You can view my speech here. The full text of my remarks follow below:

“Mr. Speaker, President Obama and Congressional Democrats have maxed out the national credit card with reckless spending and they’re back for more. The American people are tired of overspending and tired of policies that have done nothing to lift us out of this economic downturn. Democrats rammed through a so-called ‘stimulus’ that left us asking ‘Where are the jobs?’ Now Congressional Democrats are asking for more money that they will turn around later this afternoon and spend on another stimulus bill that spends even more on failed policies. It’s time for Congress to say ‘no’ to endless debt that is an albatross around the neck of our nation’s economy and future generations.”