Prevent Taxpayer-Funded Abortions (October 2009) PDF Print

Given your interest in traditional values, I’d like to take the opportunity to inform you of a troubling aspect of President Obama’s and Congressional Democrats’ health care plan. H.R. 3200, the bill that recently passed out of the House Ways & Means Committee, would overturn the longstanding federal government policy that taxpayer dollars should not be used to pay for abortion on demand. The Senate version of the legislation that is being considered this week likewise authorizes government subsidies for health plans that cover abortion. Pro life Americans, and many who describe themselves as pro-choice, agree that taxpayer dollars should not be used to promote or fund abortion. I recently joined with over 180 of my fellow members of the House in a bipartisan effort to ensure that taxpayer-funded abortion is not a part of health care reform legislation. We sent a letter to House Speaker Pelosi and the Chairwoman of the House Rules Committee demanding that they allow a vote on an amendment to strip this irresponsible provision and protect taxpayers from having to pay for abortions. As the letter says, the U.S. government should not be in the business of promoting abortion as health care.