Border Patrol Agents Released from Prison (Feb. 2009) PDF Print

Knowing of your interest in immigration issues, I wanted to follow up on a previous e-update and inform you that Border Patrol agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean were released from federal prison on February 17.  They served over two years for wounding a suspected drug smuggler, in the country illegally, while he was fleeing across the border.  Former President George Bush commuted their sentences, which effectively ended their prison terms.  Ramos and Compean will now spend the next month under home confinement until their commutation officially takes effect on March 20, 2009.  I'm very pleased that these agents, men who were simply doing their job, have been reunited with their families.

While this is great news, the felony convictions for these two agents were allowed to stand.  As a result, Ramos and Compean have filed an appeal with the Supreme Court of the United States to overturn their convictions.  I support this action and hope that the Supreme Court will see fit to fully restore the rightful reputations of these public servants.