
Kucinich Contact: Joe Benny 216.228.8850

If McChrystal was Right, What does that Make Petraeus?

Washington, Jul 1 -

WASHINGTON, D.C. (July 1) -- Today Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) made his third statement in opposition to the escalation of the war in Afghanistan.

“As related by William Polk in his recent article in Counterpunch -- Just a few days before his dismissal, General McChrystal wrote what has been described as a ‘devastating report on his mission.’ He pointed out that he faced a ‘resilient and growing insurgency’ with too few troops and he expected no progress in the coming months.

Why are we continuing to send our troops into a mission impossible? Why are we committing our troops to a situation which is certainly bound to bring about more casualties both of our troops and innocent civilians? General Petraeus is promising an escalation of the war which will put more American lives on the line and get more innocent civilians killed.

Do we support our troops? If we do, and if we really paid attention to what's going on in Afghanistan, if we really supported our troops we would bring them home. That's exactly what the Barbara Lee Amendment is designed to do, and that's why we should support it.”
