Record Gas and Energy Prices Squeeze Florida’s Schools & Families

(Washington, DC)  --  Today, in a press conference with senior Democratic Senators and Representatives, Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) shared the impact of high gasoline and energy costs on South Florida families and schools.


"Last week I held an event with officials of the Broward County Public Schools," said Rep. Wasserman Schultz.  "What they told me was that their fuel costs are expected to increase by $3 million this year.  Broward County School District is the fifth largest school district in the country and Miami-Dade is the fourth largest.  The record cost of diesel fuel is having a devastating affect on the school districts and students of South Florida."


"The school districts in South Florida are at the point of having to cancel extra curricular activities and field trips if fuel prices continue to rise," said Rep. Wasserman Schultz.  "We have to do something to help these schools.  Americans are looking to Washington for help in reducing energy prices and what they are getting in return is empty catch phrases and large subsidies to big oil companies with record profits."


"Last month, President Bush told America that we should drive less," said Rep. Wasserman Schultz.  "Unfortunately, when you live in a community like South Florida with a limited public transportation infrastructure, you really don't have the option of reducing your driving."


"Driving less is also not an option for families in South Florida," said Rep. Wasserman Schultz.  "How can you get your children to soccer practice, dance lessons, and cub scout or brownie meetings without driving?  Well, I will tell you the answer to that question: you can't.  In a time when it costs families over $50 to fill up their minivans a real energy policy is needed from this President and Congress, not empty slogans and failed policies."


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An mp3 audio of the press conference is available here:

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