Senator Dick Lugar - Driving the Future of Energy Security
The Lugar Energy Initiative - Driving the Future of Energy Security

Senator Lugar Introduces Practical Energy & Climate Plan

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Lugar urges Obama to adopt practical approach to energy

June 15, 2010 - In response to President Barack Obama's address to the nation on June 15 on the Gulf of Mexico oil spill and call for a national energy policy, three Senate Republicans have offered a proposal that would cut U.S. need for foreign oil, save Americans money, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. An excerpt from Senator Lugar's statement appears below.

"This practical approach saves people money, does not threaten jobs and will create new ones, and stimulates economic growth.

"The savings I offer are real and the policies I propose are achievable this year. I encourage President Obama to make bipartisanship the starting point of our energy debate, not divisive carbon pricing schemes."


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On June 9, 2010, U.S. Senator Richard G. Lugar introduced his Practical Energy and Climate Plan, S. 3464 at a press conference. Watch the video below.

Senator Lugar’s energy bill is not cap and trade. It focuses on saving people money on their energy bills, reducing foreign oil dependency, improving industrial competitiveness, diversifying energy choices, and better using domestic fossil fuel resources.

As Senator Lugar noted in his opening statement, "The most recent Congressional Connection Poll by the Pew Research Center and National Journal indicated that 81 percent of Americans believe Congress' top priority should be creating jobs. This poll has consistently indicated the lowest priority of our constituents is dealing with climate change, with just 32 percent suggesting this in the most recent poll.

Broadcast quality audio clip

Senator Lugar’s legislation will:

  • Reduce our foreign oil dependency;
  • Save Americans money on their energy bills;
  • Improve our industrial competitiveness;
  • Invest in cleaner and more diverse energy choices; and
  • Better use our domestic fossil fuel resources.

The plan reflects both Republican and Democratic proposals and will generate the following savings by 2030:

  • Cut foreign oil dependence by nearly 40 percent;
  • Decrease national energy consumption by 11 percent;
  • Reduce average household electric bills by 15 percent; and
  • Cut greenhouse gas emissions by 20 percent, or about 1.6 billion metric tons – the equivalent of taking more than 240 million cars off our highways.

Legislation Links:

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