America's Workers

America's Workers

America has the hardest working, most productive and most educated workforce in the world. America is successful because of our workers and that’s why I am confident we will continue to have the highest standard of living in the world. Throughout my career, I have consistently fought to safeguard critical worker protections as well as the right to organize and collectively bargain.

The world economy is changing and the United States workforce is adapting. At the same time, the Federal Government has to invest in retraining and education opportunities for America’s working men and women. We need to continue to provide access to living-wage jobs for Americans and we must also continue to ensure worker protections and benefits. Also, I have written legislation to expand Trade Adjustment Assistance to service and tech workers and I have long-supported increasing funds for skills training, counseling and education for our workers. We must continue to ensure that our workers are the best educated and most highly trained in order to compete in the global marketplace.

I am committed to fighting for jobs in the Puget Sound region and creating a climate that is conductive to job growth – improved access to education, and an updated transportation infrastructure. In turn, a vibrant national economy will grow the market for airplanes, software and other Pacific Northwest products.