News From Sen. Sam Brownback
Contact Brian Hart/Becky Ogilvie
May 4, 2009

Sunflower reaches deal allowing plant expansion

WASHINGTON - U.S. Senator Sam Brownback reacted to today's announcement that the state of Kansas and Sunflower Electric have reached a deal by which Sunflower will be able to expand its power plant.

"I am pleased the expansion of the Sunflower power plant is moving forward," said Brownback. "Not only will this expansion allow Kansas to increase its baseload generation, but it also greatly increases renewable energy development and energy infrastructure in the state. This will create jobs and economic activity at a time when the economy is in need of a jumpstart. I am pleased with Sunflower's leadership and commitment to the people of Kansas."

Under today's agreement reached by Governor Parkinson and Sunflower, one 895 MW plant will be built, and Sunflower will be able to reapply for a second plant in two years. The deal still must be voted on and passed by the Kansas Legislature. Included in the deal, Sunflower will also generate 180 MWs of wind power, biomass generation, and institute net metering for investor owned utilities.


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