Dick Durbin - U.S. Senator from Illinois - Assistant Majoirty Leader
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Supporting our Veterans and Troops


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Supporting Our Veterans and Troops

Our nations veterans deserve our gratitude. But beyond gratitude, we, as a nation, have made a promise to our veterans that needs to be kept. As one component of that commitment, in April 2010, Congress created a new program at the Department of Veterans Affairs to provide essential support services to family caregivers of severely disabled veterans. I introduced the bill that led to this law to support caregivers of seriously disabled servicemembers and veterans.

This program for caregivers offers training for family members who have opted to provide full-time care to their severely disabled servicemember or veteran. It also offers respite care and access to counseling. In addition, for servicemembers and veterans injured after 9/11, caregivers are eligible for a stipend and health care through the VA's civilian health and medical program.

Also included in the recently passed veterans' health care legislation is a provision I authored to improve quality of care in VA hospitals following the tragic patient deaths at the Marion VA Medical Center. The provisions created a National Quality Management Officer within the VA, and provide additional outlets for VA employees to report substandard care.

Previously Congress passed an updated version of the GI bill, which I cosponsored, that is making college more affordable for returning servicemen and women.

We also passed a law based on legislation I sponsored that directs the Defense Department and the Department of Veterans Affairs to properly identify and treat traumatic brain injuries, the signature injury of the Iraq war, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Our men and women in uniform deserve our strong, unqualified support. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have put unprecedented demands on our troops, many of whom are now participating in or preparing for their second, third, or even fourth deployments. These men and women are willing to answer their nation's call, but doing so can put significant strain on them, their families, and their finances.

As chairman of the subcommittee in the Senate that funds the personnel office for the federal executive branch, I was able to include a new mandate for the federal government in situations where it is employer of National Guard and Reserve Officers who are deployed. The federal government must now make up any lost income that a deployed federal employee who is also a member of the Guard or Reserves loses because of an assignment to active duty. While many private sector employers provide this "reservist pay," the federal government should lead by example, ensuring a sustained income for federal employees who are also serving their country in the Guard or Reserves.

I have made it a point to fully support the troops over the course of their deployment, consistently voting for all funding requests for our nation's military needs. I will continue to work to ensure that they have the best body armor and equipment our nation can provide, reasonable rest periods between deployments, and benefits for the loved ones they leave behind when they put their lives in danger for our country overseas.

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