For more videos on Saxby, please visit his YouTube page

Sen. Chambliss Weekly YouTube Address, July 29, 2010

Chambliss Honors Former Georgia Sen. Paul Coverdell - 7/20

Chambliss: I'm Afraid We're Going to Drive Jobs Overseas With This Massive Piece of Legislation - 7/15

Chambliss on Fox Buisness- 7/13

Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) Delivers Weekly GOP Address on July 4th & the National Debt

Chambliss on Fox News Discussing Gen. Petraeus' Confirmation Hearing

Chambliss Discusses Gen. Petraeus And The War in Afghanistan On Fox News

Chambliss: EPA's Plan Will Have A Tremendous Negative Effect For Farmers Across America

Chambliss on CSPAN's Washington Journal

Chambliss on the need for Medicare reform

Sen. Chambliss on Fox News Sunday

Chambliss address Medical Malpractice with Loser Pays Reform

Chambliss Honors Fallen Hero, Lt. Collins

Chambliss: Health Care Bill Will Cost Georgians Billions in Additional Taxes Per Year

Chambliss asks important questions about the Finance Commitee health care bill

Sen. Chambliss speaking in opposition to the DOJ investigation of CIA officers

Chambliss on the Unemployment Insurance Benefits


Chambliss: It's Time to Get Spending Under Control

Chambliss Speaks on Chambliss Speaks on Financial Regulatory Reform Negotiations

Sen. Chambliss on This Week

Chambliss on MSNBC discussing his reaction to President Obama's Afghanistan strategy

Chambliss: Cuts to Home Health Care Take Away Affordable Option

PBS NewsHour with Carl Levin: Chambliss on Afghanistan a

Chambliss on Fox and Friends

Sen. Thune and Sen. Chambliss on Hannity

Chambliss and Isakson discuss the Reid's Health Care Bill on the Senate Floor

Chambliss on Hardball with Chris Matthews discussing Afganistan and the McCrystal Report

Chambliss on Fox News discussing the Senate Health Care Bill

Chambliss at the Senate Armed Service Committee Hearing on Afganistan

Health Care "Reform" Bill Will Actually Raise Health Care Costs

Chambliss, Isakson, Alexander and Brownback debate the Health Care Bill on the Senate Floor