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Statement of the Honorable David Dreier -- H.Res. 552, providing for the further consideration of Commerce, Justice, Science Appropriations Bill

Rules Committee Ranking Republican David Dreier provided the following statement on the unprecedented closure of the regular appropriations process

Whether Members realize it or not, we are at an inflection point in history… Maybe not the history that school kids will learn about, but the important history of this institution that supports every aspect of our democracy.

Future Members of the House will look back on this day, and realize that today is when the last bastion of unbridled participation fell to the demands of a cynical and tyrannical majority.

There are certain points in the House’s history that Members know by name or reference.  Events such as Cannon’s revolt where 100 years ago a group of progressive, bull-moose Republicans, joined with Democrats to say enough is enough, to Speaker Joe Cannon; the famous Civil Rights revolt during the Johnson Administration, where obstructionist Southern Democrats on the Rules Committee were supplanted in order to advance civil rights. 

The question is, will this be one of those days where historians will say, “This is where democracy prevailed against tyranny,” or will we take the easy road of limiting participation to a privileged few?  

Madam Speaker, I have a message for my colleagues: each of us must think very carefully about this vote, because once we go down this road, we aren’t coming back.

That means if you’re Dennis Kucinich, and you believe that your country is fighting an unjust war, you’re going to be silenced in the months and years to come.

If you’re Jeff Flake, and you are fighting every day against what you see as corruption and wanton spending, you are going to be gagged going forward.

If you’re Devin Nunes and you’re fighting to make sure your farmers have water to grow crops, you are out of luck.

If you’re Marcy Kaptur, and you’re promoting the interests of labor unions, get ready for a long winter.

I don’t agree with most of those Members, but for this institution to work, they need to have a voice. This rule deprives them — and their constituents — of that voice.

This rule concentrates power in the hands of David Obey and Nancy Pelosi. They get to decide who offers what and when. And my colleagues better hope that they never disagree with the majority leadership, or they will find themselves relegated to the sidelines, just as we do with this rule.

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