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Olga Ramirez Kornacki

Photo, Olga Ramirez Kornacki

Olga Ramirez Kornacki is moving up the career ladder. Just two months ago, after working for 22 years in the House Radio–TV Gallery, Kornacki was named director, taking the spot of the Gallery’s former director Tina Tate, who recently retired. “I was fortunate and lucky enough to have had the opportunity to work with Tina,” said Kornacki, who’s day-to-day responsibilities include directing a team of five House employees, working with journalists from almost 20 news organizations and acting as a liaison between the Congressional community and various electronic media outlets. During her colorful career, Kornacki has supported the coverage of 22 State of the Union addresses, two presidential state funerals and three lying in honors. When asked what the best part of her job is, Kornacki responded: “It’s an awesome experience working for the House. I think I’m lucky to have been able to have had a front row seat to watching history.”


“I would miss sharing my enthusiasm for this place because I think it is an incredible place to be...and I would miss watching history being made and explaining it to people.”