"Do Deficits Matter? The Impact of Long-Term Deficits on Economic Growth and Job Creation"

January 20, 2004
138 Dirksen Senate Office Building

Hearing Transcript

For a full transcript of the hearing click here.

Watch the complete hearing. (RealVideo)

Watch the hearing beginning with commentes from: Sen. Dorgan, Sen. Conrad, Rep. Scott, Rep. Spratt, Rep. deLauro, Mr. Sperling, Mr. Edwards, Mr. Greenstein, Mr. Kolb, Sen. Sarbanes, Sen. Lautenberg, or witness Q & A.

Opening Statement

Senator Byron Dorgan
Chairman, Senate Democratic Policy Committee

Senator Kent Conrad

Senator Paul Sarbanes

Senator Frank Lautenberg

Representative John Spratt

Representative Rosa DeLauro

Representative Bobby Scott


Gene Sperling
Center for American Progress

Chris Edwards
CATO Institute

Robert Greenstein
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Charles Kolb
Committee for Economic Development

Additional Materials

Witness Biographies





Democratic Policy Committee
419 Hart Senate Office Building Wash. D.C. 20510 (202-224-3232)