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Congressman Geoff Davis : Serving Kentucky's Fourth District

Hearing the People’s Voice: Washington Spends Too Much
November 29, 2010  - Budgets are all about choices.  It is the responsibility of any small business owner to map out a budget and make the tough decisions in order to successfully grow their business.  Likewise, it is incumbent upon individuals and families to ensure they do not spend more than they have coming in each ...More

Letter to the Editor: Bully Who Always Wins: Unelected Regulatory State
November 29, 2010  - In response to the Wall Stree Journal recent article, “The EPA Permitorium,” James Valvo, from Americans for Prosperity had the following letter to the editor published in today’s WSJ: You rightly profile EPA's aggressive overreach but you incorrectly conclude by stating that "a key task for the...More

Medicare Open Enrollment for 2011 has begun
November 22, 2010  - Throughout my time serving the people of the Fourth District, one of my priorities has been to make sure Kentuckians are kept up-to-date and informed on federal issues and how they will impact you and your family. Ensuring seniors are equipped with the information that they need to make important d...More

Congressman impressed with NKU’s treatment of veterans
November 17, 2010  - The Northerner | By Claire Higgins The sun was shining and the air was cool as the American flag waved over Northern Kentucky University on Nov. 11, Veterans Day. NKU V.E.T.S. presented the on-campus Veterans Day activities with a flag-raising and Veterans Recognition Luncheon. The flag-raising ...More

A New Way Forward
November 15, 2010  - If Washington has learned anything over the past twenty-two months, it should be, as Ronald Reagan said best, “Trust the people.”  Less than two weeks ago, Americans went to the ballot box and proved that their voice will not be ignored. For nearly two years, too many in Washington took it upon t...More