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As a member of the Energy and Commerce Committee I strongly believe we must have a national telecommunications policy that works for everyone.Telecommunications technology has unquestionably exploded in the last decade.In this fast paced, technology-driven society we must ensure no one gets left behind and all citizens have access to the economic benefits that come with advanced telecommunications technology.

Broadband Deployment

The Internet has forever altered the way the world communicates and conducts business.Broadband Internet has emerged as the gold standard for Internet communication and connection because of its speed and carrying capacity. It has become a vital component for successful businesses, whether for online retail, communicating with potential customers, or having the most up-to-date weather predictions for farmers.

The newly released National Broadband Plan put forth by the FCC is a critical first step to universal broadband coverage and adoption. I fully support the Plan’s thorough, thoughtful, and comprehensive approach to remove and reduce barriers to adoption, improve energy efficiency, enhance educational opportunities for millions of students, create new economic opportunities, and enhance public safety. The Plan’s far-reaching goals and specific implementation recommendations will enable the U.S. to compete in the global economy and create good paying jobs. I am particularly pleased with FCC’s vision of the role broadband can play in improving healthcare for all Americans. The future of quality, efficient healthcare will be greatly enhanced by the widespread availability of broadband and the FCC has clearly outlined how we can make this happen.

The United States has fallen to 15th in the world for broadband penetration and we must work to ensure that every household and business, no matter the location, has equal access to broadband technology. The National Broadband Plan, coupled with the $7.2 billion in grants and loans for broadband deployment contained within the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, establish the necessary investment incentives, innovation, and transparency that will put the United States on the path to once again lead the world in this digital age.

Net Neutrality

The Internet’s explosive growth has been based on network neutrality – the principle that all data traveling across the network is treated in a nondiscriminatory manner.Under this principle, Internet providers do not tamper with the free-flow of content, applications, or websites.Recently, however, some broadband network providers have expressed interest in creating a multi-tiered Internet that would prioritize certain classes of content over others.

I strongly oppose this breach of net neutrality, and am committed to an Internet that remains open and equally accessible to all.We are often only as successful as the information we have access to; if we restrict information, or create different classes of information, we run the risk of disfranchising segments of our society.

Public, Educational, and Government (PEG) Channels

PEG Channels are our one-stop-shop for valuable community media.These channels provide an invaluable service to our communities by airing a variety of diverse locally-minded programs.PEG stations allow us to access our local government, our neighborhood schools, and local universities with the click of a remote.In an age when media is becoming more consolidated, these stations bring diversity to our towns and cities.

I have been a long time advocate of PEG channels and have continuously supported funding to keep these channels on the air.Currently, there are small technical changes in the existing law that would make it much easier for PEG channels to remain financially afloat.I support these efforts, and will continue to advocate for these stations and the valuable resources they provide.

Universal Service Fund (USF)

The USF was established in 1996 to make sure all Americans, rural and urban, have access to telephone service.Broadband Internet has become integral to businesses and households regardless of location; yet, the USF has not been updated to allow subsidies for broadband deployment.The USF needs to be updated to include broadband and other new technologies.

I fully support comprehensive reform of the USF to reflect the changing technological needs of our country and to compensate for the funding issues raised by the different technologies.

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