Congressman Todd Akin Missouri's 2nd District
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Waste. Fraud. Abuse. Corruption. Unfunded mandates. Over-regulation. Duplicative and unnecessary laws.

It's time to take the garbage out of government. As a member of the RSC Sunset Caucus, Todd Akin dirty_dustpanis committed to cleaning Washington up - one step at a time.

If you know of a federal law that needs to be "deleted," let Congressman Akin know. Report programs that need to be eliminated, wasteful spending that needs to be curtailed and abuses of federal power. Your idea might become the basis for legislation to repeal a current law or roll back an intrusive federal power.

Submit Your Idea


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Timeless Principles

James Madison

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"The capacity of the female mind for studies of the highest order cannot be doubted, having been sufficiently illustrated by its works of genius, of erudition, and of science." (letter to Albert Picket & Others, September, 1821) --- James Madison was the primary author of the Constitution and the fourth President of the United States. He was also a contributor to the Federalist Papers and a member of Congress from Virginia.