Transportation PDF Print

Congresswoman Sanchez understands that a modern, efficient transportation system will directly contribute to Orange County's economic growth and competitiveness. Orange County is part of the critical goods movement corridor to and from the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, which process 40% of all goods imported into the United States. Congresswoman Sanchez is committed to improving regional transportation infrastructure to ensure that our communities can withstand the increasing movement of goods in and out of these ports. To that end, Congresswoman Sanchez supports necessary rail grade separations and the Ports Clean Trucks Program to enhance community safety and shipping efficiency while reducing pollution.

Congresswoman Sanchez is also a strong supporter of mass transit projects that will combat air pollution and minimize freeway congestion. In addition to investing in local infrastructure projects that will improve traffic flow on the county's roads and highways, the Congresswoman supports the enhancement of commuter rail service and is working to ensure high speed rail comes to Orange County.

As Congress prepares to re-authorize federal surface transportation programs, Congresswoman Sanchez will continue fighting to make sure the needs of Orange County communities are addressed, and that critical transportation projects have access to federal resources. 

Rep. Sanchez Announces New Health Care Information Resource

Congresswoman Sanchez is pleased to announce the launch of, a comprehensive website that will help put Orange County families in charge of their health care. The ...


Rep. Sanchez Releases Public Schedule for Veterans Day

Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez released the following schedule of events for Veterans Day of interest to media and the public. Please note that these events are subject to change. If you plan on attending any event, please verify the details with ...