Democratic Leadership

CPC Co-Chairs Join with CBC, CAPAC, CHC and Local Government Officials and Call for Jobs Bill

Media Advisory
For Immediate Release
July 22, 2010

Gregory Minchak
National League of Cities
Elena Temple
US Conference of Mayors

Jim Philipps
National Association of Counties

Andrea Martin
Congressional Progressive Caucus

New Report Shows Local Governments Making Significant Jobs and Service Cuts
 Members of Congress and Local Government Coalition Call For Jobs bill

What: Local - Elected Officials from across the nation will release a joint report from the National League of Cities, United States Conference of Mayors, and the National Association of Counties illustrating the economies of local governments have hit a crisis point, forcing significant layoffs and cuts in support services for families and individuals.    

The organizations will be joined at a roll-out of findings by Members of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives in discussing the impact local government service cuts are having in communities across the nation.  
The release of the report will be followed by press conference call for reporters who are not local.  Please see call details are below.

National League of Cities Vice President James Mitchell, councilmember, Charlotte, NC
United States Conference of Mayors Second Vice President, Michael Nutter, mayor, Philadelphia, PA
National Association of Counties Large Urban Caucus Chair, Ilene Lieberman, commissioner, Broward County, FL
House Education and Labor Committee Chairman George Miller (Invited)
Senator Sherrod Brown (Invited)
Representative Barbra Lee, Chair, Congressional Black Caucus
Representative Raul Grijalva, Co-Chair Congressional Progressive Caucus
Representative Lynn Woolsey, Co-Chair Congressional Progressive Caucus
Representative Keith Ellison, Co-Chair, Congressional Progressive Caucus Jobs Task Force
Representative Phil Hare, Co-Chair, Congressional Progressive Caucus Jobs Task Force
Additional members of Congress are also expected

When: Noon, Tuesday, July 27

Where: 2261 RHOB

Post Event Conference Call: 1:15 PM.  
Dial-in #:          ( 877 ) 862 – 4238
Conference ID #:           90361674