September 29, 2010: Gonzalez Votes to Provide 9/11 First Responders with Health Care Print

Gonzalez Votes to Provide 9/11 First Responders with Health Care

Washington, D.C.—Congressman Charles A. Gonzalez (TX-20) released the following statement after voting to provide 9/11 first responders and survivors with long-term, comprehensive health care and fair economic compensation:

“Most Americans remember where they were the day the Twin Towers fell,” said Congressman Gonzalez.  “Now, we must remember and honor those brave men and women that were at Ground Zero the days and months following 9/11, and give them the medical care and treatments they need.  They were the light of hope and recovery during a time of darkness in our country and we are finally delivering a long overdue token of appreciation.”

Thousands of those who responded to the tragedy at Ground Zero—firefighters, police officers, and other rescue workers—were exposed to dangerous toxins, leaving them with chronic, deadly diseases. The James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act ensures that these heroes receive the medical care that they deserve.

Named for James Zadroga, a police officer who died at 34 from respiratory diseases contracted at Ground Zero, the bill provides medical monitoring and treatment to the over 71,000 people exposed to harmful toxins and dust on the scene. The bill also reopens the September 11, 2011 Victim Compensation Fund to provide monetary compensation for those physically injured by the attacks or by response activities and debris removal. It is fully paid-for over the next 10 years by a provision preventing foreign multinational firms from avoiding United States taxes by routing income through other haven countries.

The bill is supported by a long list of groups, including the International Association of Firefighters, National Association of Police Organizations, Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association, AFL-CIO, AFSCME, Associated General Contractors, Associated Builders and Contractors, and American Council of Engineering Companies.
