Internship Application

Note: Fields marked with an * are required.

Thank you for your interest in serving as an intern in my Washington, D. C. office. It is wonderful to know that there are young people who are interested in learning first-hand about how the United States government works.

Out intern program is designed to give college students an opportunity to observe and participate in the operations of a United States Senate office. Intern responsibilities include answering constituent correspondence, summarizing hearings, utilizing computer skills, typing, filing, and miscellaneous errands. In addition, my staff arranges tours and lectures for interns while they are visiting the Washington, D. C. area. Although I am unable to pay interns due to Senate budget restrictions, I believe that serving as a Congressional intern can prove to be a valuable experience.

The selection of interns is made on the basis of several criteria including, but not limited to: academic achievement, extracurricular activities, residence of the applicant, and the time the application is submitted.

Please fill out and submit the following online application.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact my Intern Coordinator at (202)-224-5744.

Part I

Current Address and Phone

Permanent Address and Phone

Part II

Have you served a prior internship in Washington D.C.?

Part III

If you are currently enrolled in College/University, please answer the following:

Is academic credit available for internships?

Part IV

Part V