Nevada's Congressional District Three

Titus Supports Effort to Keep 1,400 Teachers Employed and Help Nevada’s Most Vulnerable

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Washington, D.C. – Congresswoman Dina Titus of Nevada’s Third District voted today to support legislation to save teachers’ jobs and support Nevada’s most vulnerable through funding for the state’s Medicaid program.  The Education Jobs and Medicaid Assistance Act, which is fully paid for and will reduce the deficit by $1.4 billion over ten years, closes loopholes that allow corporations to ship American jobs overseas.

“With Nevada facing significant budget shortfalls, these funds, which are only for teachers and Medicaid, will help fill the gaps, keeping 1,400 teachers in the classroom and supporting the state’s most vulnerable citizens,” Congresswoman Titus said.  “With the state having already accounted for this Medicaid money in its budget, failure to secure these funds would have dealt a serious blow to Nevada resulting in cuts to vital services and teacher layoffs.  In addition, this bill will decrease the deficit while promoting job growth at home by ending tax loopholes for companies that ship jobs overseas.”

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