Renewable Energy Resources

The American Clean Energy and Security Act will be a big step forward for renewable energy, but you can take action now to reduce your impact on the climate.

Calculate your carbon footprint
You can calculate your "carbon footprint" -- the amount of carbon that your energy consumption contributes to global warming-- and find out how you can reduce it.
Carbon calculator »

Use renewable energy
Renewable energy is currently available through both major electric companies in Maine. As a consumer, you can sign up to use low-impact hydro or wind energy. Choose your option on this list from the US Department of Energy, and contact the company to find out how to sign up.
Renewable energy options in Maine »

Learn how to reduce your energy bill
From energy efficient appliances, to tips on how to reduce your heating bills, to finding out all about energy efficiency tax credits, this website is chock full of money-saving tips. »


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