Wall Street Reform Print

WallstreetreformGovtrends Holding Wall Street Accountable, Standing Up for Main Street

Final Passage of Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Legislation

Two years ago, our nation experienced the worst financial crises since the stock market crash of 1929, resulting in the longest, deepest financial downturn since the Great Depression.   The impact has been catastrophic for Main Street– nearly 8 million lost jobs, thousands of lost homes, and closed small-businesses.  To add insult to injury, hard-working American taxpayers were asked to bail out Wall Street CEOs for their reckless actions and too-big-to fail mentality.

The good news:  America is coming back and our future is bright.  As we recover, we cannot afford to repeat the same painful mistakes.  With the passage of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, we will break from the failed economic policies of the past decade and embrace a new, more balanced approach.      This bill will hold Wall Street accountable and ensure that you – the U.S. taxpayer – are never again asked to bail out Wall Street CEOs for their reckless decisions.


Since the financial collapse, my staff and I have traveled around southern Minnesota to hear from folks on Main Street about the need for Wall Street Reform. I have heard from small business owners, consumers, local credit unions and community banks to get their perspective and input.  With their feedback, I was proud to vote for Wall Street Reform.


Recently I wrote an op-ed to share my views on Wall Street Reform with southern Minnesotans.  To read it click here


To read a summary of the final legislation, please click here


To read the final legislation, please click here