Senator Kent Conrad | North Dakota
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Kent Conrad

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Conrad Works to Tackle Health Care Crisis

Conrad at White House for Signing of Health Care Reform Legislation

Health Care Reform Resources

Read the text of the main health reform bill and the text of the reconciliation "fixer" bill, which made a number of small improvements in the health reform bill.

Health Care Reforms That Occur Almost Immediately

How Will Health Care Reform Affect Me?

Health Care Reform - A Critical Step in the Right Direction

Myths and Misinformation About Health Reform

Health Care: A Brief Glossary

Co-ops can compete - and garner votes needed to pass health reform

FAQ about the Consumer-Owned and -Oriented Plan (CO-OP)

Senate Finance Committee

Senate Budget Committee

Click below to see how health care reform will affect

Young Adults
Women's Health
Health Care Providers
Rural Americans
Native Americans
Americans with Disabilities

"The President has signed into law a reasonable and responsible approach to tackling one of the most serious challenges facing our nation, health care reform. 

"Now that this bill is law, young North Dakotans will be able to stay on their parents' health insurance until age 26. Now that this bill is law, small businesses across our state will receive tax relief to help cover their employees' health insurance. Now that this bill is law, seniors across North Dakota will receive assistance to make their prescription drugs more affordable.  This is the immediate impact of health reform.

"In the coming years, North Dakotans will see the additional benefits from this legislation. It will improve the availability and affordability of health insurance. It will strengthen the Medicare program, and it will reduce our nation's deficit by more than $1 trillion. And beginning in 2014, insurers will no longer be able to deny North Dakotans coverage because of pre-existing conditions.

"The bill is especially good for North Dakota as it dramatically improves Medicare reimbursement rates for our state and will bring hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue to our hospitals and clinics, allowing them to provide better care to the patients who depend on them.

"I have worked hard to make sure this legislation is good for North Dakota. This is not a perfect bill. But at the end of the day, it will provide more security and stability for North Dakota's families and businesses."