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Committee Passes WMD, FEMA Grant Management and DHS Chief Veterinary Officer Bills

June 23, 2010 (WASHINGTON) – Today, the Committee on Homeland Security, Chaired by Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS), marked up three substantive homeland security legislation pieces. The three bills include H.R. 5498, The “WMD Prevention and Preparedness Act of 2010”, H.R. 5562, The “Homeland Security Grant Management Improvement Act”, and H.R. 5105, to establish a Chief Veterinary Officer in the Department of Homeland Security.

Chairman Thompson released the following statement following the markup:

“With the passage of H.R. 5498, we will be taking a major step forward on the threat from WMD. Specifically, under this bill, we will – for the first time – direct the Federal government to focus its resources and capabilities, in a coordinated manner, to address this unconventional emerging threat. I am also proud of the bipartisan work that went into developing this comprehensive bill.”

"H.R. 5562 is the product of extensive Committee oversight of FEMA's administration of grant programs. This bill will ensure homeland security grants are spent wisely and on the most critical needs of state and local governments. I applaud Rep. Richardson's work on this vital legislation."

Congressman Bill Pascrell, Jr. (D-NJ), sponsor of H.R. 5498, The “WMD Prevention and Preparedness Act of 2010”, released the following statement:

“Since December 2008 when the WMD Commission released their World at Risk report, Ranking Member Peter T. King and I have been working to craft this comprehensive legislation to address their recommendations,” said Rep. Pascrell. “The WMD Prevention and Preparedness Act of 2010 that we passed through the Committee today is an extensive blueprint to address the greatest catastrophic risk we face – and I am proud to say it has earned the endorsement of the WMD Commission. Chairman Thompson should be applauded for holding hearings and pushing our bill through the Committee today, it is my hope that the others Committees of jurisdiction will take up this critical legislation just as expeditiously and bring it to the House floor for a vote.”

Congresswoman Laura Richardson (D-CA), sponsor of H.R. 5562, and Chairwoman of the Subcommittee on Emergency Communications, Preparedness, and Response, released the following statement:

“H.R. 5562, which I authored, will make our nation safer by using taxpayer dollars in the most efficient way possible and in the areas where first responders are needed most,” Congresswoman Richardson added. “These legislative shortcomings have created headaches for our state and local homeland security agencies for nearly eight years, and now is the time to fix the problem so our focus can be on keeping our nation safe and not on red tape.”

Congressman Mike Rogers (R-AL), sponsor of H.R. 5105, released the following statement:

“I am pleased the Committee endorsed this important bill today that preserves the ongoing functions of the Chief Veterinary Officer (CVO) within the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). I want to thank Chairman Thompson and Mrs. Kilroy for their strong support of the bill from the beginning.”

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FOR MORE INFORMATION: Please contact Dena Graziano or Adam Comis at (202) 225-9978

Rep. Bennie G. Thompson (D-MS)

Rep. Bennie G. Thompson

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