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Contact: Cory Fritz

Boehner Statement Marking 75th Anniversary of Social Security

Aug 13, 2010


Congressman John Boehner (R-West Chester) released the following statement marking tomorrow’s 75th anniversary of Social Security:

“For 75 years, the Social Security program has served the needs of millions of American seniors, and Republicans are committed to protecting Social Security and preserving this invaluable program for current and future generations of retirees.  The Social Security and Medicare Trustees have repeatedly warned Congress and the American people that reforms are necessary or future benefits will be threatened.  Some Democratic leaders – from Vice President Biden to Majority Leader Steny Hoyer to Majority Whip Jim Clyburn – have expressed a willingness to have an open and honest conversation about preserving the future of Social Security, but most Democrats, including President Obama and Speaker Pelosi, refuse to even acknowledge the challenges it faces.  It’s time to have an adult discussion about the future of this crucial program.  Working together, we can protect Social Security and ensure these critical benefits are there for America’s seniors for generations to come.” 


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