Congressman Todd Akin Missouri's 2nd District
Akin Statement on Democrat Takeover of Health Care PDF Print

March 21, 2010

WASHINGTON, DC- Today, Congressman Todd Akin (R-MO), a vocal opponent of the Democrat takeover of the health care system in the United States released the following statement regarding the passage of the health care bill in the House of Representatives:

“Today Americans are reacquainted with the danger of an arrogant all powerful government, a deadly enemy within, a clear and present danger in Washington.

“In spite of nationwide opposition socialized medicine is being forced down our throats. That medicine is toxic to freedom. But freedom dies hard in America.

“I do not believe that the majority of Americans will submit passively to the gold chains of socialism.

“True patriots choose the bright light and fresh air of freedom where people can dare to dream- to succeed or fail.

“I have confidence that freedom will rise from the ashes of socialism and that this nation under God will have a rebirth of liberty and a government of the people, by the people and for the people.”



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Timeless Principles

John Jay

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"It is much to be wished that slavery may be abolished. The honour of the States, as well as justice and humanity, in my opinion, loudly call upon them to emancipate these unhappy people. To contend for our own liberty, and to deny that blessing to others, involves an inconsistency not to be excused." (letter to R. Lushington, March 15, 1786) --- John Jay was a co-author of the Federalist Papers, statesman, Governor of New York, abolitionist, and the 1st Chief Justice of the United Sates Supreme Court.