Traffic, Housing & Communities

Traffic, Housing & Communities

The Puget Sound region has seen some of the most dynamic growth in the country over the last twenty years. Leaders and citizens alike are constantly asking how to enjoy this growth while lessening its undesirable effects: out-of-control housing prices, traffic, and a declining sense of community.
These are inherently local issues that require an enormous amount of commitment from every person in the community, and I'm proud to be a partner in these critically important issues.

Traffic cuts into valuable time spent with our families or at work, and it is a blemish on the business environment of the Puget Sound. Congress’ role in alleviating traffic and improving transportation is to support local efforts and provide as much funding as possible to local projects. Along with my colleagues in the Washington state delegation to Congress, I'm pleased we've been able to provide Federal dollars for state and local priorities, including easing rail-road congestion throughout the region, expansion of local Park & Rides, increased opportunities for mass transit and public transportation, and road and highway improvements. Much more needs to be done, however, and I am eager to work with state and local leaders to chart a course that will improve transportation for all Washingtonians.

Housing and community development are key to citizens' quality of life. I support empowerment zones and other incentive-based programs to encourage investment and development in communities in need. Housing prices have skyrocketed in the Puget Sound area, and the Ninth District has been particularly hard hit. We can keep interest rates low by keeping the federal budget balanced and reducing the debt and reform and improve the public housing program to help families find affordable housing.